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 the METRO Chapter - "What we are a part of" 

Next Meetings

January 14th, VFW, Coon Rapids, 7pm

February 11th, VFW, Coon Rapids, 7pm


Upcoming Events

January 13th, Taco Night, Casa Rio, Anoka, 4-8 pm

January 17th-18th B.O.D. Meeting

January 30th, Biker Day at the Capital

February 10th, Taco Night, Casa Rio, Anoka, 4-8pm

March 15th, St Paddy's event 


Sunday Brunch, TBD 


Check out Our Facebook Page for more Info & Updates:




The Metro Chapter would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year or a Happy Holidays to those that do different things. We hope everyone is safe and didn't get run over by Reindeer lol. 


After a two month delay, we will be starting up our Sunday Breakfast starting in January at Route 47 in Fridley. With hunting and Christmas, we couldn't make it happen. Please go to our website to get the current breakfast dates. 


Bikerday is quickly approaching us and from what I understand, it will be a great time and and excellent learning experience. If you are bringing your kids or grandkids to Bikerday, check with the school to see if they will get a credit for going. 


Not much has progressed for our St Paddy's day event. The band that Route 47 has for the event is Maiden Mpls. I hear this is the event to be at and it won't disappoint. We are still working on the time and other details. 


We are also looking ahead to the Donnie Smith Bike Show. We will be in our usual spot and will be more than ready to sign up new members for any Chapter as well as renewals as we have done in previous years. Hopefully we won't have a snow storm lol. 


We also have been tossing around ways to sign new members. One idea that we are moving forward with is a bike night. As of right now the thought is to have it on our meeting night. We will be picking up discussion with the VFW again shortly. 


Everyone stay safe 


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